The ABCs of Hand Hygiene

At Wet Ones, we firmly believe that mess and stress needn’t go hand in hand. We can all pick up some tips from our kids in this area – after all, little ones love nothing better than getting messy. What kind of walk in the park isn’t improved by having a few muddy puddles to jump in?

That positive attitude to life’s little messes is something that seems to fade with age – but the right approach to personal hygiene stays around for life. While being free to get sticky fingers and muddy clothes helps children to experience and understand the world as they discover it, it’s important to make sure their attitude towards hygiene is developed from the earliest stage possible.

While a trusty pack of Wet Ones will help kids to keep exploring, personal hygiene for children is about more than quick cleanups. It’s inextricably linked with overall health – both physical and emotional – and with the social development that will equip them for life. It’s more important than ever to get kids into good hygiene habits as they begin to return to in person learning for the new school year.

How does learning help early hygiene?
It’s important to teach children in daycare and schools proper handwashing techniques –but while practice in the classroom is a start, lifelong learning is reinforced at home. Leading by example (like always washing your own hands before preparing food) makes a big difference, and you should encourage your little one to ask questions about why we need to keep clean.

Getting them to speak up at moments when hygiene is important (going to the bathroom, sneezing, touching food) is also a great way to forge long-term good habits, and involving children in routines like washing and drying clothes helps them understand the bigger picture around cleanliness.

Talking to kids about personal hygiene
How many times a day does your child ask you a question? Kids’ in-built curiosity means there are plenty of opportunities daily to steer the conversation towards cleanliness. Before they go back to school (or start school for the first time), where hygiene is going to be higher on the agenda than ever before, take the time to familiarize them with its importance.

For young children, day-to-day basic hygiene covers things like brushing their teeth, washing their hands, taking baths and covering their mouths when they cough – so use these moments to have a discussion about germs and why being clean helps keep others safe too. There are hundreds of brilliant children’s picture books tackling topics around hygiene, meaning that bedtimes can be another chance for learning good practice.

Using Wet Ones is also a great chance to chat about cleanliness while you’re out and about. So whether it’s a trip to the playground, an adventure on the bus or a picnic in the park – you’ve always got a conversation starter in your pocket! Take these moments to help your kids understand why Wet Ones are useful not only for cleaning up dirt but also as a tool to wipe away harmful bacteria from hands.

Sensory play and hygiene
It’s now understood better than ever why sensory play is a crucial part of education and early years development. Getting hands-on helps kids not only to understand the world around them but to feel connected to it and confident in it.

A simple bowl of warm soapy water can be just as effective at this as a pile of colorful clay or a set of finger paints, meaning that handwashing and washing up can become part of play time in themselves. And for children with sensory difficulties who don’t like getting their hands wet and soapy, Wet Ones are a great alternative for keeping them mess-free (and you stress-free!).

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